クッキー缶 Heriter(エリテ)


着色料、香料、化学調味料、保存料、白砂糖を一切使用せず、 無農薬・有機・オーガニック素材にこだわった他では味わえない特別なクッキー缶です。
From La Maison de Bie online store, a unique and special tin of cookies made from pesticide-free, organic and organic ingredients, with no colourings, flavours, chemical seasonings, preservatives or white sugar.
From La Maison de Bie online store, a unique and special tin of cookies made from pesticide-free, organic and organic ingredients, with no colourings, flavours, chemical seasonings, preservatives or white sugar.

ラッピングオプション +350円(税込)。





  1. 〜無農薬ラベンダーとハイビスカス〜
  2. 〜有機カカオニブとキャトルエピス〜
  3. 〜京都 山利白味噌とウコン生姜〜
  4. 〜有機黒胡椒とピュア パルメザン〜
  5. 〜京都 有機抹茶〜
  6. 〜有機レモンビネガー〜
  7. 〜古代小麦とカカオ〜
  8. 〜有機バニラボーロ〜
  • クッキー缶アソート Heriter(エリテ) ¥5,500 (税込)
  • 120×120×高さ40
  • 内容は変更になる場合もございます
  • 特定原材料: 小麦、乳、卵
  • 賞味期限/約4週間
  • 店舗での販売もしております。お問い合わせください。

The aim was to express the 'power of the earth', the true richness of modern times.
All ingredients are extremely carefully selected and the cookie tin is made without using any chemical agents, seasonings or manufacturing aids in its production.

Our definition of 'new' is not in the appearance or fancy decoration, but in the 'taste'.
To support a new taste you have never encountered before, you have to thoroughly 'push' the ingredients and techniques.
We have made it look as classic as possible.
We aimed for surprise when you eat it, new discoveries the more you eat it, and never getting tired of it - the answer at this stage is the 'White Can'.

The production is still small, as it takes many times more work than usual, but we have a few tins available in our shops every day, even if you don't make a reservation.

  1. 〜Pesticide-free lavender and hibiscus
    Hibiscus chocolate sandwiched between cookies kneaded with pesticide-free lavender. The floral aroma spreads in the mouth.
    The pink chocolate is a natural shade of hibiscus. The gentle acidity of the hibiscus is married with the lavender aroma.
  2. ~Organic cocoa nibs and cattle epice~.
    A dough with a hint of coffee, married with the flavours of the cattle epices. Carefully caramelised organic cacao nib nougat gives a deep taste.
    The light texture of the nougat is tailored to give the savoury taste of cacao nibs, a superfood, and the fruity acidity of cacao and organic orange.
  3. 〜Kyoto Yamari White Miso and Turmeric Ginger
    Cookies kneaded with white miso paste from Kyoto's long-established miso shop Yamari, with turmeric, which has antioxidant properties, in chocolate. Accented with ginger peel.
  4. ~Organic black pepper and pure parmesan
    Salty cookies kneaded with additive-free Parmesan cheese from Italy, made only with raw milk and salt. Spicy flavour accented with organic black pepper.
  5. ~Kyoto Organic matcha green tea
    Made with premium organic matcha from Hatakeyama Tea, which has a history of over 270 years. These cookies are packed with the overwhelming aroma of matcha.
  6. ~Organic lemon vinegar
    Sweet and sour cookies filled with domestically produced organic lemon. The icing made with organic powdered sugar is enhanced with lemon zest and organic white wine vinegar to enhance the acidity.
  7. ~Ancient wheat and cocoa
    Cookies made from pesticide-free ancient wheat flour, the original species of wheat. The harmony of Amazonian cocoa and organic cardamom complements the aroma of the ancient wheat.
  8. ~ Organic vanilla bolo~.
    A bolo made from organic vanilla beans, without relying on essences, to transfer the natural aroma of pure vanilla. A pleasantly soft and gentle taste.
  • Cookie tin assortment Heriter ¥5,500 (Tax Incl.)
  • 120 x 120 x 40 high
  • Contents are subject to change
  • Specific ingredients: wheat, milk, eggs
  • Shelf life / approx. 4 weeks
  • Also available in shops. Contact.